before & after


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in the nearly eight years that we have lived in our charming abode, we have done redesigning and rennovations that could fill a phone book.  we began with wall to wall wallpaper, crunchy carpet and fixtures pretty much preserved in a time capsule circa 1982. while some projects took longer than others, we unfortunately never captured photos of the transformations. finally, we decided to document the lingering DIY’s.
I’m so proud to share our kitchen chairs. I ordered the inexpensive indoor/outdoor fabric from, which is ironically named mill creek, same as our subdivision. (I also saw the same print last week on a pillow in the amazing jonathan adler boutique in the city, which probably cost 3 times more than the 2 1/2 yards I bought for next to nothing.)  I could not be happier with the result…chic, cozy and completely kid proof. coming soon I will have a how to: re-upholster featuring our dining room chairs, my new office and the little birds new nest.

xoxo s